Keyword Research

Keyword Research:

The next important factor which influence the performance of your site is KEYWORD RESEARCH, proper keyword will drive a huge traffic to your site, where as the wrong can backfire too. So BE CAREFUL while selecting the keyword.

Some simple steps given below are about How to SELECT a KEYWORD AS AN EXPERT:

1. Have the Title and keyword same.

2. Just Google it. Yeah, this may look simple but this tip is really worthy, just type the keyword which you have in your mind, if you do so, you can find various pertinent KEYWORD to it grab a good one.

3. Benchmark you competitor, This is more easy one, just check the keyword with your competitor if he is doing good with it, then go with it or else find why does it not working and try to find a KEYWORD which fixes that issue.(Benchmark – Using others functional plan)

4. Avoid Clumsy KEYWORDS.
Example – This simple tip will drive you 100,000 visitors a day.
               Proven tip to increase your visitors in seven days.
Example shown above may seem good attract the visitors to your site, but once if he got bored with your CONTENT, he quit as soon as possible and he won’t likely come again. Since he feels that you got only title worthy not the CONTENT worthy.
MORAL – As we always say “CONTENT IS THE KING”

5. Use tools to select keyword,  probably you got a lot of tools like that on internet.

This from us, Still if you want to know some exact keyword for your particular niche, just comment below, we will be happy to you…J


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